This Page is for those who would like to download the text of upcoming Saturday Evening and Holy Day Vigil Services according to the usage of the Russian Orthodox Church via email in the form of Word document attachments. The documents are designed to give the worshipper the text of the service that is being sung in church so that he or she may attentively follow the service in church, or read it at home when it is not possible to get to church. These texts may not be further reproduced, beyond printing out a single copy for personal non-commercial use.
This Page was created due to difficulties uploading file on my Yahoo Group 'Vigil Service Texts for Clergy and Laity'.
The following Services are listed here under their New Calendar dates in order to make the services easier to access. The Church Calendar dates are noted in the texts themselves.
2017-12-04 : Entry of the All Holy Theotokos into the Temple
2017-12-04 : Entry of the All Holy Theotokos into the Temple
2017-12-10 : 27th Sunday after Pentecost; the 'Kursk-Root' Icon of the Theotokos (Tone 2)
2017-12-10 : 27th Sunday after Pentecost; the 'Kursk-Root' Icon of the Theotokos (Tone 2)
2017-12-31 : Sunday before the Nativity (Tone 5)
2017-12-31 : Sunday before the Nativity (Tone 5)