Saint Elizabeth the New Martyr Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Rocky Hill, New Jersey

Category: Parish News
15 results found.
Blessed Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ - Christ is born! - 01/06/2024

Lazarus Saturday baptism - 04/08/2023

Anthony was baptized on Lazarus Saturday at St. Elizabeth's. Congratulations!

Nativity of the Lord 2023 - 01/07/2023

We were blessed to celebrate the Lord's Nativity this January 7th, followed immediately by Sunday after Nativity and our Very Rev. Fr. David's nameday. Many thanks to Nichole & Pavel L’vov who again opened their home for St Elizabeth’s Annual Christmas Party on Sunday after Nativity. It was a wonderful day of celebration and fellowship for all of us. May the Lord bless them!

St. Elizabeth's Feast Day - 07/18/2022

We celebrated a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on the Feast of our heavenly Patroness, the venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth and the 24th anniversary of the founding of our parish. We were blessed and honored with the visit of Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan on this special day as he ordained our new Deacon Father Michael and tonsured Reader Timothy. Special thanks to all that helped with cleaning, decorating and setting up the trapeza and donating. S Prazdnikom!



New church bell! - 07/06/2022

Thank you to our parishioner that funded the acquisition of the new brass bell and those who helped in its installation. Special thank you to Rocky Hill FD and Montgomery FD for coordinated assistance in lifting it up to the belfry. God bless them!


St. Elizabeth's celebrates 20 years - 11/01/2018

Baptism - 02/14/2015

Theophany 2014 - 01/18/2014

St. Nicholas of Myra 2013 - 12/18/2013

Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple 2013 - 12/02/2013

The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross - 09/26/2013

St. Paul's Church Incheon S. Korea - 09/22/2013

Elizabeth Maxey attends services at St. Paul's church in Incheon S. Korea where Fr. Daniel is the rector.

Florovsky Society Talk - 09/18/2013

Fr. John Strickland speaks on his book The Making of Holy Russia.  Fr. John was invited by the Forovsky society of Princeton University to give this talk.  Several of our parishoners attended as did others in the Orthodox community. Fr. John is a priest at St. John of Damascus Church and a professor at St. Katherine College. Fr. John has a podcast "Paradise and Utiopia" that's available from Ancient Faith Radio.

Building Fund Drive - 11/02/2005

St. Elizabeth's has received a very generous anonymous donation pledge towards our Building Fund in the amount of $10,000. For every dollar that we receive towards the Building Fund (until December 31st) will be matched up to this $10,000 amount.

Please consider helping us now as we try to raise money to match this generous donation. For more information on how you can help...visit our Building Fund Web Page.

Bishop GABRIEL'S Visit on 15 / 28 November 2004 - 11/28/2004

Upcoming Services
Friday, 4 / 17 January
9:00 Royal Hours
Saturday, 5 / 18 January
Eve of Theophany
8:30 Baptism
9:30 Divine Liturgy;
Blessing of Water
6:00 Vigil Service; Confessions
Sunday, 6 / 19 January
9:10 3rd & 6th Hours
9:30 Divine Liturgy;
Blessing of Water;
Trapeza (coffee hour)
Saturday, 12 / 25 January
Martyr Tatiana
St Savva of Serbia
6:00 Vigil Service; Confessions
St. Elizabeth the New-Martyr Orthodox Church
38 Princeton Ave; Rocky Hill, NJ 08553
Detailed Map


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